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Selectmen's Minutes January 14, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 14, 2003

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Lisa Stevens, and Judy Kenneally via telephone.


The minutes of January 7, 2003 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Subject: Highway Department

Present: Jeffrey Jordan, Road Agent

Mr. Jordan explained the necessity for the recent overtime expended for employee May.  He complimented his plow crew stating what a great job they had done on the roads. He has received comments from the general public on how nice the roads are as well as a comment of using too much sand.  The trees at the fire department will be cut down and chipped by the highway department.  When that work has been completed, the Selectmen will contact Mr. Landry for removal of the logs.

Subject:   Fire Department

Present: Mike Paveglio, Deputy Fire Chief
Mr. Paveglio submitted the revised Fire Departments’ proposed 2003 operating budget.
He indicated that the department did not go with increases in salaries and that the VIP program already in place will cover the cost of calls and training. Also the department is looking into a used heavy rescue vehicle with most of the monies coming from their Capital Reserve Fund and the Ambulance Special Reserve.  Point of concern on the large ice dam on the Fire Department building.  Ice is hanging above all the doors and has become a safety hazard for all. The road agent will assess the situation in the morning and work with the department to remove the hazard. The board asked that signage be posted to “Watch For Falling Ice”.  Mr. Paveglio also mentioned that ice conditions on all bodies of water throughout the state are a real concern at this time.  The Fire Pond on Ferrin Road needs to be dredged. The question was raised as to whether or not the landowner needed to file for a permit with the state or if the fire department could do it.  Selectmen DeBold suggested the fire department submit a request to do an annual dredge of the pond to the board and he will forward it to the state.

Subject:  Mr. Potter

Mr. and Mrs. Potter came before the board to request the Impact Fee be waived on their new building site located on Short Falls Road.  Having met the requirements stated in the Zoning Ordinance, the Board of Selectmen signed the Impact Fee Waiver.  

Subject:  Mr. Wolf

Mr. Wolf came to discuss his pending appeal to the BTLA.  The selectmen would like further time to review all the documentation and review it with the assessor.  The board will contact Mr. Wolf with their decision.  Mr. Wolf also asked about the status of the Robinson property.  He stated he had written a letter to Mr. Brown, chairman of the Board of Adjustment, two months ago and as yet has not received a reply.  Selectman Colbert informed Mr. Wolf that Mr. Robinson has complied with what the state stipulated.  Selectman Colbert will contact Mr. Brown regarding the status of the response to Mr. Wolf’s letter.  

Subject:  Planning Board

Andrea, planning secretary discussed with the board issues regarding reclassification of town roads. The planning board can set stricter standards than required by statute. The question raised was what format was acceptable, through a Warrant Article, on the ballot, or adoption of Administrative Policy.  Selectmen Debold asked that Judy contact the NHMA with a general question pertaining to road articles.
The planning board has adopted the Capital Improvement Program.  Andrea provided copies to the board and copies for the budget committee members.  The board would like to meet with the budget committee on January 28,2003 to review this plan and the proposed 2003 budget.  Lisa will forward the plan to the members and invite them to attend this meeting.

Andrea asked Selectman Debold about the status of the town letterhead.  Everyone should be using the same; Richard will edit the header to reflect planning board data.

Subject:  Board Discussion

The Board reviewed and signed the new policy regarding pay increases.
The new policy on length of time to hold building permits being sent back to Judy to insert the wording of notice by certified mail to be included.

Heather had contacted Bering Lock & Safe regarding service for the office door.  They are scheduled for January 15, 2003.

Judy explained the Vallee Land Use Change Tax abatement to the board.  Acreage corrections will be made to the property card and Lisa will review the Land Use Change Tax bill for amount of acreage to be removed from current use.  As stated in the letter from assessor, Andrea Lewy, the amount of the bill will remain the same.  No vote was taken at this time.

Judy asked the board to review the proposed warrant articles for 2003 and make any changes if necessary.  She reviewed changes to the budget on line #4130-02-secretarial, an increase of $4,000-this being salary for her position from January through March, that was inadvertently omitted in the original figure; Line #4290-05-Haz Mat, 2002 expended figure is incorrect, should be $5,000;line #4414-01-Health Adm, 2002 expended should be $500 and 2003 proposed should be $500.

The board reviewed 2002 overages on expenditures, asked Judy to advise what lines to adjust.

Judy advised the board that credit had been given on the invoice from Attorney Goldman and that he is putting a letter together regarding the rental of town owned property.
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Judy asked for consideration of early payment for welfare administration.  The board will take it under advisement and get back to her with a decision

A request for use of the grange hall by Meghan Briggs was granted.

A memo from Mr. Adams requesting clarification of filling vacancies for the budget committee was discussed. The town has not adopted the Municipal Budget Act pursuant to NH RSA 32:14, therefore committee members are not elected and should not appear on the ballot.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bailey at 11:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant


Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman


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